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Φωτεινή Καλιακάτσου-Χηνιάδη

NK cells

NK Cells – Natural Killer Cells - and Lymphocyte Vaccines The NK cells are a natural way of body's defence against external factors infections, etc. micro organisms. • They are detected not only in blood, but anywhere in the body. For their presence in the blood are internationally recognized normal values. • For several years, many believed that repeated miscarriages and failed IVF attempts were due to the increased presence of NK cells in the womb and that they destroy the embryos considering them a foreign body. • The truth is that this is not a problem because the body of a woman sets automatically a lower defence level at the start of pregnancy. This explains the greater vulnerability of pregnant women in infections-urinary tract infection, Candida etc. • In addition there are no internationally recognized normal values for NK cells in the uterus. It is wrong therefore to collect the blood of the period to identify NK cells in it. There is no correlation with the venous blood and measurements are arbitrary. • Based on arbitrary measurements some "experts" offer patients treatments with insufficient scientific basis. The most common of these is "vaccines lymphocytes”. • Vaccines are composed of serum and blood lymphocytes of husbands’ in order to bring alleged immunization to the embryos. • If that does not work some go even further by using the blood of other women or other men! The manufacture and use of these terms: 1. Has insufficient scientific basis
2. Is not certified
3. Has no statistically proven result
4. Is dangerous for the patient with severe potential complications (acute liver failure)
5. Is forbidden by the U.S. and the British College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists -ACOG & MRCOG
6. Is permitted only in certified research protocols -as all experimental drugs- where patients are informed about the risks and sign a consent form taking responsibility for possible side effects. In short, their use is arbitrary. Couples suffering from recurrent miscarriages and failed IVF attempts can easily be lured to lead to solutions that are not scientifically sound and acceptable. So the next time a “specialist” offers you a "vaccine", you should think of all the above.