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Φωτεινή Καλιακάτσου-Χηνιάδη


Welcome to the website of Dr Harry Hiniadis.

Dr Harry Hiniadis specialises in Assisted Reproduction (IVF), Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, and Gynecological & Maternal Ultrasound.

On this website, we probably won’t be able to answer all your queries but we will try to provide you with information regarding In Vitro Ferilisation, Gynecology & Pregnancy.

We’ll try to put your mind at rest about IVF & other fertility techniques as ICSI, TESA, Egg Freezing, Egg Donation etc. as well as telling you a bit about ourselves.

The desire to have a baby is one of life's most important and exciting decisions and parenthood lies at the very heart of most couple’s lives.

By coming to us, you not only place your trust in our medical & technical skills but also in our understanding of your emotional as well as your physical needs. We understand emotional intensity of trying to have a child & we will support you with guidance and counselling in every step.

Please contact us to discuss the different treatment options available or to schedule an appointment with a member of our staff.

hiniadis.com or +30 6972 910 505